Meditation Videos

Unity uses prayer and meditation to forge a stronger connection to God.


Go deep into meditation as Amy Conley sings the song "In the Stillness of this Moment"

In the Stillness, words and music by Karen Drucker, (c) TayToones Music (BMI)

Amy Conley
Sunday Pre-Meditation Music, September 17, 2023

Use the warmth of your hands to relax your mind, infuse love into your heart and radiate love all about you.

Julie Fisher
Sunday Meditation, August 13, 2023

Become aware of your breath, the breath of life.The breath of spirit and the activity of spirit moving in and out of us now. 

It is in the breath that we consciously align our hearts and minds, our very souls with the oneness of spirit. Our awareness increases, our consciousness is elevated. We are one with the God of our Being.

Rev. Sandra Butler
Sunday Meditation, July 16, 2023

For the five Sundays January 29 - February 26, 2023, Rev. Russell presented a talk series based on the book Life Visioning, by Michael Bernard Beckwith. You may listen to those talks by clicking on this link.

Here is an audio recording of a Visioning meditation that you can do on your own. During this meditation, you will be making notes so please have a pen and paper available. The duration of this meditation is roughly 15 minutes. Please set aside time for this practice when you will not be disturbed. If you need more time to complete a step, feel free to pause the recording.

The Visioning meditation is designed to be iterative; that is, to be repeated so that your vision will become clearer and more complete. It is not a "one and done" practice. Stay open and curious as you practice Visioning.  It is an effective tool for manifesting a fulfilling life!


"It is said that soon after his enlightenment, the Buddha passed a man on the road who was struck by the Buddha's extraordinary radiance and peaceful presence. The man stopped the Buddha and asked, "My friend, what are you? Are you a celestial being or a god?" "No," said the Buddha. ..."

Rev. Paul John Roach

Breathing in, repeat to yourself, "Softened by silence."

Breathing out repeat to yourself, "Surrounded by light."

Lisa Colburn, Spiritual Teacher

At the beginning of the meditation Lisa uses a prayer from the book, Life Prayers, by Ted Loder.

"Feel the restorative power of this moment. This present moment when time touches infinity. This one presence God, the good ,flows within us each moment of the day. Right now you are living in eternity. You are in the flow of life. God's healing power is mighty in you. You are one with the love of God eliminating all fear ..."

Rev. Ron Karstetter

"There’s an ancient saying, 'Who can make muddy water clear? But if left alone. it will clear itself.' Many of us have thoughts and feelings that feel turbulent in the life we live in common with others. But we have this wonderful opportunity to allow the water to become clear by simply being still ourselves, by taking a few deep breaths ..."

Rev. Russell Heiland


"I invite you to take a deep and gentle breath, and breathe in this blessedness, and let it go with a sigh or an ah. And you may wish to close your eyes ... as you continue to take a few deep and mindful breaths. We relax into the space of gratitude ..."

Rev. Russell Heiland

"You are in a safe space now, with energies of like-minded people surrounding you physically and virtually. Let your breath flow naturally. 

Visualize white Christ energy surrounding you, filling your aura ..."

Linda Powell, Licensed Unity Teacher

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Last updated on August 21, 2023