Putting Feet to Our Prayers
Unity of Fairfax’s outreach ministry, known as the Community Service Team, provides opportunities to contribute to the well-being of others, locally and globally, through generosity, service and understanding.
- We need volunteers for individual projects. These are typically a one-month commitment and take only a few hours a week.
- We welcome new projects and ideas on how to better serve the world around us.
- Use the online Volunteer Form and check the "Community Service" Area of Interest.
- To get more information you may contact us directly.
Current Project
Homestretch Project
Website: http://www.homestretchva.org/
Homestretch is a Falls Church non-profit that provides housing for homeless families while supporting them with job search services, legal aid, childcare, physical/mental health services, and so much more. Most families graduate into sustainable, independent housing within 2 years, and their success rate is nearly 90% for families.
This holiday season, they would love for Unity of Fairfax -specifically- to provide gift cards for their 32 current families so that families can prepare holiday meals for themselves. The preferred stores are Aldi, Giant, Safeway & Harris Teeter. Pick up a gift card in your weekly shopping trip, and drop them in the church's collection box by December 20th.
The Community Service Team is nothing without its reliance on volunteers to carry out it’s mission:
Volunteers inspire and engage Unity of Fairfax in connection with our community through generosity, service and understanding.
When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute - Simon Sinek