So we can help each other through challenging times
The Benevolence Fund is an officially recognized and designated permanent fund available to provide support to congregants (voting members and regular attendees) of Unity of Fairfax who are struggling financially due to exceptional circumstances.
If you know of a congregant who is in need of support from the Benevolence Fund, please encourage them to apply.
How can I apply for assistance?
Congregants who wish to apply to receive financial support must contact the Senior Minister at russellheiland@unityoffairfax.org. Or call 703-281-1767.
To download the application form click here: Benevolence Request Application
Further information about the fund and the application process is included on the first three pages of the application form.
How can I donate?
You may Donate Now and select the "Benevolence Fund" designation, or write a check to Unity of Fairfax or put cash in a donation envelope marked “Benevolence Fund."
Donations are usually tax deductible, but you should consult with your tax advisor.