The Marketing Team is a group of volunteers and staff who create promotional and marketing materials to advertise upcoming church activities and events to current members and attendees as well as potential newcomers to the church.
The team develops materials for print, the website, various social media sites, the electronic sign, and for external distribution.
Team Members
Team members are typically individuals with marketing, graphic design, or communication skills. Anyone interested in participating is welcome.
We welcome volunteers with experience or interest in:
- Graphic design
- Marketing
- Copywriting for such things as:
- Digital copy, such as the website
- Social media platforms
- Printed materials
- Photography
- Public relations
- Videography
- Website creation, development, and management
- YouTube content creation and channel management
Use the online Volunteer Form and check the "Marketing & Communications" Area of Interest.
Contact the Marketing Team by email at marketing@unityoffairfax.org
Team History
Since the team expanded in 2014, the members have (in conjunction with others at Unity of Fairfax):
- Created a new web site
- Upgraded the website to Responsive Design standards
- Started livestreaming the 11:00 a.m. Sunday Service
- Created content and provided publicity via digital marketing efforts:
- Updated Welcoming Packet
- Incorporated Unity.com branding guidelines
- Created periodic printed membership directories
- Created and maintained a Communications Manual
Before 2013, the team
- Created a series of video testimonials
- Created and provided content for the newsletter.
In 2022, the team name was changed from Communications Team to Marketing Team