Rev. Russ: “Special Communication” – March 10, 2022

Loosening our COVID protocols - individuals may mask as optional. Vaccination is still required. Yet how to integrate vaccinated and un-vaccinated members? It's a challenging time for all.

Finances - we have been fortunate to have received government help and have had a successful fund raiser. But rental income declined and love offerings have declined. We have been drawing from our reserves and significant action is necessary:

Reduction in Force - The position of Associate Minister will be eliminated on Tuesday, March 15th to accommodate new financial reality.

This does not reflect Rev. Ron's contribution or abilities. He looks forward to taking some time off, and will still be active in the church. It is difficult news to bear.

In prayer we affirm spirit's guidance ... let go and let God. I see myself in partnership with God. Believe, be creative and loosen rigid expectations.