Unity of Fairfax Hiking Club is a group of nature enthusiasts, people who find a deep connection with the Source (Divine) in nature and love to share it with likewise minds.
A hike could be a mountain, a river or a beach shore, a boardwalk, grass, soil or paved trail. Could be steep or flat.
There are hikes for every difficulty level to accommodate seasoned hikers and people with assistive devices like a cane or walker.
When any given person is asked where they feel a spiritual connection, many will say, “Nature.”
Nature is the closest thing to religion in my life – Sean Arbabi
There is no closer place to God than to be in nature – Ralph Waldon Emerson
I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for in going out I found was really going in – John Muir
Check the church Calendar for the date of the next hike. The church weekly newsletter also announces upcoming hikes - Subscribe Now.
Please contact Julie hike@unityoffairfax.org for more information and to be placed on the mailing list.
Hiking is an outdoor activity and can pose some risk.
If you would like to join us in one of our hikes, press the Disclaimer button below: