Diamond Jubilee


The Sanctuary Facet

As Unity of Fairfax prepares to celebrates its 60th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee October 7-9, we would like to have our Sanctuary updated.  As you may or may not know, the Sanctuary has not been repainted since the building opened in 2002, the chairs are 26 years old and the carpet is showing signs of wear and tear.

An information table is found in the Sanctuary on Sundays.  Members of the Board of Trustees will be available to answer your questions and receive your donations.  The two biggest expenses are new chairs (including 20 with arms) at $18,000 and new carpet for $19,450. As wise stewards of our shared resources, the church will not place the orders for the chairs and carpet until a significant portion of the combined amount for chairs and carpet is in hand.





updated June 11, 2016